Eric Bruno


ericbruno.jpg Senior researcher
Computer Vision and Multimedia Laboratory
Computer Science Department, University of Geneva
Battelle A, 7 route de Drize, CH-1227 Carouge, Switzerland
Phone: +41 22 379 0176
Office: #214


Eric Bruno received his M.S. degree from the Engineers School of Physics in Strasbourg, France in 1995, and his Ph.D in signal processing from the Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France in 2001. Since 2002, he is working at the Computer Vision and Multimedia Laboratory, University of Geneva, Switzerland, as a research associate. His research interests focus on video analysis, content-based multimedia retrieval and multimodal information fusion (see my Curriculum Vitae).

Research Activities

  • machine learning, data mining, high performance computing
  • databases and large scale distributed data indexing
  • information retrieval, exploration and propagation
  • computer vision, video processing

see publications

PhD supervision

  • Jana Kludas (2006 - 2009): Multimodal Signal Fusion
  • Eniko Szekely (2006 – 2009): Cluster Preserving Dimension Reduction
  • Donn Morrisson (2006 – 2009): User Feedback Learning fo Semantic Augmentation of Multimedia
  • Bruno Janvier (2002- 2006): “Toward Automatic Semantic Multimedia Structuring and Retrieval”
  • Nicolas Moenne-Loccoz (2002-2005): “Dynamiques des Composantes Visuelles pour la Gestion de Séquences Vidéos par le Contenu”


See for slides and materials

  • Bachelor Informatique

Scientific Projects

  • PetaMedia (EU IST NoE, 2008-2011)
  • IM2 (Swiss NCCR, 2002-2010)
  • Multimatch (EU IST STREP, 2006-2008)
  • Similar (EU IST NoE, 2003-2007)
  • M4 (EU IST FP6, 2003-2005)
  • Webkit (EU IST FP5, 2002-2004)



[2013, inbook] (BIB)
Mohammed, H., vonWyl, M., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2013). Learning-Based Interactive Retrieval in Large-scale Multimedia Collections. Springer.
[2010, inbook] (BIB)
Morrison, D., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2010). Capturing the semantics of user interaction: A review and case study. (pp. 269-299). Springer.
[2007, book| Download] (BIB)
Marchand-Maillet, S., Bruno, E., Nurnberger, A., & Detyniecki, M. (2007). Adaptive Multmedia Retrieval: User, Context and Feedback Springer-Verlag.


[2009, article| Download] (BIB)
Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2009). Multimodal Preference Aggregation for Multimedia Information Retrieval. Journal of Multimedia, 4(5), 321-329.
[2008, article| Download] (BIB)
Bruno, E., Moënne-Loccoz, N., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2008). Design of multimodal dissimilarity spaces for retrieval of multimedia documents. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 30(9), 1520-1533.
[2008, article| Download] (BIB)
Kosinov, S., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2008). Spatially-consistent partial matching for intra- and inter-image prototype selection. Signal Processing: Image Communication special issue on "Semantic Analysis for Interactive Multimedia Services", 23, 516-524.
[2008, article| Download] (BIB)
Kludas, J., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2008). Can Feature Information Interaction help for Information Fusion in Multimedia Problems?. Multimedia Tools and Applications Journal special issue on "Metadata Mining for Image Understanding", 42(1), 57-71.
[2006, article| Download] (BIB)
Moënne-Loccoz, N., Janvier, B., Marchand-Maillet, S., & Bruno, E. (2006). Handling Temporal Heterogeneous Data for Content-Based Management of Large Video Collections. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 31, 309-325.
[2006, article| Download] (BIB)
Janvier, B., Bruno, E., Marchand-Maillet, S., & Pun, T. (2006). Information-theoretic temporal segmentation of videos and applications: multiscale keyframe selection and transition detection. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 30, 273-288.
[2004, article| Download] (BIB)
Bruno, E., Moënne-Loccoz, N., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2004). Unsupervised Event Discrimination Based on Nonlinear Temporal Modelling of Activity. Pattern Analysis and Application, 7(4), 402-410.
[2004, article| Download] (BIB)
Moënne-Loccoz, N., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2004). Knowledge-based Detection of Events in Video Streams from Salient Regions of Activities. Pattern Analysis and Applications (PAA), special issue Video Event Mining, 7(4), 422-429.
[2003, article| Download] (BIB)
Pingault, M., Bruno, E., & Pellerin, D. (2003). A Robust Multiscale B-spline Function Decomposition Process to Motion Transparency Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 12(11), 1416-1426.
[2002, article| Download] (BIB)
Bruno, E., & Pellerin, D. (2002). Robust Motion Estimation using Spatial Gabor-like filters. Signal Processing, 82(2), 297-309.


[2013, inproceedings] (BIB)
Sun, K., Morrison, D., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2013). Learning Representative Nodes in Social Networks. In 17th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Gold Coast, AU.
[2012, inproceedings] (BIB)
Sun, K., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2012). Unsupervised Skeleton Learning for Manifold Denoising and Outlier Detection. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'2012), Tsukuba, JP.
[2012, inproceedings] (BIB)
Sun, K., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2012). Stochastic Unfolding. In IEEE Machine Learning for Signal Processing Workshop (MLSP'2012), Santander, Spain.
[2011, inproceedings] (BIB)
von Wyl, M., Mohamed, H., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2011). A Parallel Cross-Modal Search Engine over Large-Scale Multimedia Collections with Interactive Relevance Feedback. In Demo at ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ACM-ICMR'11), Trento, Italy.
[2011, inproceedings] (BIB)
Morrison, D., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2011). Query log simulation for long-term learning in image retrieval. In Content-based Multimedia Indexinding (CBMI'11), Madrid, Spain.
[2011, inproceedings] (BIB)
Mohamed, H., von Wyl, M., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2011). Learning-Based Interactive Retrieval in Large-Scale Multimedia Collections. In Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval.
[2010, inproceedings] (BIB)
Szekely, E., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2010). High-dimensional multimodal distribution embedding. In IEEE ICDM 2010 Workshop on Visual Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (VAKD'10), Sydney, Australia.
[2010, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Morrison, D., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2010). TagCaptcha: Annotating images with CAPTCHAs. In ACM MULTIMEDIA 2010 (Demo Program), Firenze, Italy.
[2009, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Morrison, D., Marchand-Maillet, S., & Bruno, E. (2009). Modelling long-term relevance feedback. In Proceedings of the ECIR Workshop on Information Retrieval over Social Networks, Toulouse, FR.
[2009, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Marchand-Maillet, S., Eniko Szekely, & Bruno, E. (2009). Optimizing Strategies for the Exploration of Social-Networks and Associated Data Collections. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS'09) - Special session on "People, Pixels, Peers: Interactive Content in Social Networks", London, UK.
[2009, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2009). Multiview clustering: a late fusion approach using latent models. In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval Conference, SIGIR 09, Boston, USA.
[2009, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Morrison, D., Marchand-Maillet, S., & Bruno, E. (2009). TagCaptcha: Annotating images with CAPTCHAs. In Proceedings of the Human Computation Workshop (HCOMP2009) - co-located with ACM-KDD 2009, Paris, FR.
[2009, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Szekely, E., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2009). Distance Transformation for Effective Dimension Reduction of High-Dimensional Data. In 1st International Workshop on Topological Learning (in conjunction with the 18th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems), Prague, Czech Republic.
[2009, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Szekely, E., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2009). Unsupervised Discriminant Embedding in Cluster Spaces. In International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR'09), Madeira, Portugal.
[2008, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Kludas, J., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2008). Can Feature Information Interaction help for Information Fusion in Multimedia Problems?. In First International Workshop on Metadata Mining for Image Understanding, Funchal, Madeira.
[2008, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Kludas, J., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2008). Exploiting Synergistic and Redundant Features for Multimedia Document Classification. In 32nd Annual Conference of the German Classification Society - Advances in Data Analysis, Data Handling and Business Intelligence (GfKl 2008), Hamburg, Germany.
[2008, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Morrison, D., Marchand-Maillet, S., & Bruno, E. (2008). Semantic clustering of images using patterns of relevance feedback. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Content-based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI'2008), London, UK.
[2008, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Kludas, J., Marchand-Maillet, S., & Bruno, E. (2008). Exploiting document feature interactions for efficient information fusion in high dimensional spaces. In Proceedings of the First International Workshops on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA'2008), Sousse, Tunisia.
[2007, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Morrison, D., Marchand-Maillet, S., & Bruno, E. (2007). Hierarchical long-term learning for automatic image annotation. In Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies, Genova, Italy.
[2007, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Szekely, E., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2007). Clustered multidimensional scaling for exploration in information retrieval. In 1st International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR'07), Budapest, Hungary.
[2007, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Morrison, D., Marchand-Maillet, S., & Bruno, E. (2007). Automatic image annotation with relevance feedback and latent semantic analysis. In Proceedings 5th International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval, Paris, France.
[2007, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Kludas, J., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2007). Information Fusion in Multimedia Information Retrieval. In Proceedings of 5th international Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR), Paris, France.
[2007, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Bruno, E., Kludas, J., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2007). Combining Multimodal Preferences for Multimedia Information Retrieval. In Proc. of International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, Augsburg, Germany.
[2006, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Janvier, B., Bruno, E., Maillet, S. M., & Pun, T. (2006). Performance evaluation of a contextual news story segmentation algorithm. In Proc. SPIE Vol. 6073, 60730X, Multimedia Content Analysis, Management, and Retrieval, San Jose, CA.
[2006, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Bruno, E., Moënne-Loccoz, N., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2006). Asymmetric Learning and Dissimilarity Spaces for Content-based Retrieval. In Proc. of International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR), Tempe, AZ.
[2005, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Bruno, E., Moënne-Loccoz, N., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2005). Interactive Video Retrieval based on Multimodal Dissimilarity Representation. In Proceedings of the Machine Learning Techniques for Processing Multimedia Content- ICML workshop, MLMM'05, Bonn, Germany.
[2005, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Janvier, B., Marchand-Maillet, S., Bruno, E., & Pun, T. (2005). Semantic segmentation of video collections using boosted random fields. In Proceedings of the 2005 second Workshop on Machine Learning and MultimodalInteraction, {MLMI'05}, Edinburgh, UK.
[2005, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Janvier, B., Bruno, E., Marchand-Maillet, S., & Pun, T. (2005). A contextual model for semantic video structuring. In Proceedings of the 13th European Signal Processing Conference (Eusipco2005), Antalya, Turkey.
[2005, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Marchand-Maillet, S., & Bruno, E. (2005). Collection Guiding: A new framework for handling large multimediacollections. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Audio-visual Content And InformationVisualization In Digital Librairies, {AVIVDiLib05}, Cortona, Italy.
[2005, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Bruno, E., Moënne-Loccoz, N., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2005). Learning User Queries in Multimodal Dissimilarity Spaces. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Adaptive MultimediaRetrieval, AMR'05, Glasgow, UK.
[2005, inproceedings] (BIB)
Moënne-Loccoz, N., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2005). Interactive Partial Matching of Video Sequences in Large Collections. In {IEEE} International Conference on Image Processing, Genova, Italy.
[2005, inproceedings] (BIB)
Moënne-Loccoz, N., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2005). Interactive Retrieval of Video Sequences from Local Feature Dynamics. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Adaptive MultimediaRetrieval, AMR'05, Glasgow, UK.
[2004, inproceedings] (BIB)
Moënne-Loccoz, N., Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2004). Video Content Representation as Salient Regions of Activity. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, Dublin, Ireland.
[2004, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Moënne-Loccoz, N., Janvier, B., , E. B., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2004). Managing Video at Large. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Computer Vision meets Databases, Paris, France.
[2004, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Moënne-Loccoz, N., Janvier, B., Marchand-Maillet, S., & Bruno, E. (2004). An Integrating Framework for the Management of Video Collections. In Proceedings of the 2004 First Workshop on Machine Learning and MultimodalInteraction, {MLMI'04}, Martigny, Switzerland.
[2003, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2003). Prédiction Temporelle de Descripteurs Visuels pour la Mesurede Similarité entre Vidéos. In Proceedings of the GRETSI'03, Paris, France.
[2003, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Bruno, E., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2003). Nonlinear Temporal Modeling for Motion-based Video Overviewing. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Content-Based MultimediaIndexing, CBMI'03, Rennes, France.
[2002, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Bruno, E., & Pellerin, D. (2002). Video structuring, indexing and retrieval based on global motionwavelet coefficients. In Proceedings of International Conference of Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Quebec City, Canada.
[2002, inproceedings| Download] (BIB)
Bruno, E., & Pellerin, D. (2002). Video shot detection based on temporal linear prediction of motion. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia andExposition (ICME), Lausanne, Switzerland.
[2001, conference| Download] (BIB)
Bruno, E., & Pellerin, D. (2001). Global motion model based on \textsc{B}-spline wavelets : application to motion estimation and video indexing. In Proc. of the 2nd Int. Symposium. on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, ISPA'01.
[2001, inproceedings] (BIB)
Bruno, E., Moënne-Loccoz, N., & Marchand-Maillet, S. (2001). Unsupervised Event Discrimination Based on Nonlinear Temporal Modellingof Activity. In Pattern Analysis and Application {(PAA)}, special issue on VideoBased Event Detection, to appear.
[2000, inproceedings] (BIB)
Bruno, E., & Pellerin, D. (2000). Global Motion Fourier Series Expansion for Video Indexing and Retrieval. In VISUAL '00: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Visual Information Systems, London, UK.

team/eric_bruno.txt · Last modified: 2010/04/08 10:52 by bruno

Keywords: machine learning, information geometry, data mining, Big Data, affective information retrieval (recherche d'information), information visualisation, content-based image and video retrieval (CBIR, CBR, CBVR, CBMR, CBMIR), information mining, classification, multimedia and multimodal information management, semantic web, knowledge base (RDF, OWL, XML, metadata, auto-annotation, description), multimodal information fusion