Edgar Roman-Rangel
Viper group
Department of Computer Science
CUI - University of Geneva
Currently visiting the National Anthropology and History Institute of Mexico (INAH)
Mobile: +52 777 212 8933
Secretary: +41 (22) 379 0224
E-mail: Edgar.RomanRangel@unige.ch
Visiting Researcher at
INAH, Mexico.
PhD Thesis:
Edgar Roman-Rangel. “Statistical Shape Descriptors for Ancient Maya Hieroglyphs Analysis”. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), 2012.
Edgar Roman-Rangel and Stephane Marchand-Maillet. “Shape-based Detection of Maya Hieroglyphs using Weighted Bag Representations”. Pattern Recognition. 48(4):1157–1169. April, 2015 (Available online 19 June 2014).
Edgar Roman-Rangel, Jean-Marc Odobez, Daniel Gatica-Perez. “Assessing Sparse Coding Methods for Contextual Shape Indexing of Maya Hieroglyphs”. Special Issue in Recent Achievements in Multimedia for Cultural Heritage. Journal of Multimedia. 7(2):179–192. April, 2012.
Edgar Roman-Rangel, Carlos Pallan, Jean-Marc Odobez, Daniel Gatica-Perez. “Analyzing Ancient Maya Glyph Collections with Contextual Shape Descriptors”. Special Issue in Cultural Heritage and Art Preservation. International Journal of Computer Vision. 94(1):101–117. August, 2011. Online first, October 2010. Best Idiap Paper Award 2010. Best Poster at ENS/INRIA CVML Summer School in Paris 2011.
Edgar Roman-Rangel, Diego Jimenez-Badillo, Estibaliz Aguayo-Ortiz. “Categorization of Aztec Potsherds using 3D Local Descriptors”. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on e-Heritage, in the 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV). Singapore. November, 2014.
Daniel Gatica-Perez, Carlos Pallan Gayol, Stephane Marchand-Maillet, Jean-Marc Odobez, Edgar Roman-Rangel, Guido Krempel, Nikolai Grube. “The MAAYA Project: Multimedia Analysis and Access for Documentation and Decipherment of Maya Epigraphy”. Workshop on Digital Humanities 2014 (DH2014). Lausanne, Switzerland. July, 2014.
Edgar Roman-Rangel and Stephane Marchand-Maillet. “HOOSC128: A More Robust Local Shape Descriptor”. In Proceedings of the 6th Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition (MCPR). Cancun, Mexico. June, 2014.
Edgar Roman-Rangel and Stephane Marchand-Maillet. “Bag-of-Visual-Phrases via Local Contexts”. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Recent Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (RACVPR), in the 2nd Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR). Okinawa, Japan. November, 2013.
Edgar Roman-Rangel and Stephane Marchand-Maillet. “Stopwords Detection in Bag-of-Visual-Words: The Case of Retrieving Maya Hieroglyphs”. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Multimedia for Cultural Heritage (MM4CH), in the 17th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP). Naples, Italy. September, 2013.
Edgar Roman-Rangel, Jean-Marc Odobez, Daniel Gatica-Perez. “Evaluating Shape Descriptors for Detection of Maya Hieroglyphs”. In Proceedings of the 5th Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition (MCPR). Queretaro, Mexico. June, 2013.
Edgar Roman-Rangel, Carlos Pallan, Jean-Marc Odobez, Daniel Gatica-Perez. “Searching the Past: An Improved Shape Descriptor to Retrieve Maya Hieroglyphs”. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference in Multimedia (ACM-MM). Scottsdale, USA. November - December, 2011.
Daniel Gatica-Perez, Edgar Roman-Rangel, Jean-Marc Odobez, Carlos Pallan. “New world, New Worlds: Visual Analysis of Pre-Columbian Pictorial Collections”. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia for Cultural Heritage (MM4CH). Modena, Italy. April, 2011.
Edgar Roman-Rangel, Carlos Pallan, Jean-Marc Odobez, Daniel Gatica-Perez “Retrieving Ancient Maya Glyphs with Shape Context”. In Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Workshop on eHeritage and Digital Art Preservation. Kyoto, Japan. September - October, 2009.
Juan Frausto-Solis, E. F. Roman, David Romero, Xavier Soberon, Ernesto Liñán-García. “Analytically Tuned Simulated Annealing Applied to the Protein Folding Problem”. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science. Beijing, China. May, 2007.
Viper Group:
Computer Vision and Shape Description
Machine Learning
Digital Humanities and Access to Digital Arts
Tepalcatl @ National Institute of Anthropology and History of Mexico (INAH)
MAAYA @ Viper Group - UniGe
CODICES @ Idiap Research Institute
IM2 @ Viper Group - UniGe
* Photography and cinema.
* History, mythology, and legends.
* Biking, swimming, and traveling.