You must have received a URL of the form “” as an invitation for the conference call.
Go to that URl…
You end up in a page with many tools, including a chat and a collaborative editor) and videos of participants. Your name (you entered at login) appear as italics in the list. Icons next to your name will further indicate your status.
You want to activate the video for appearing in the list. Click on the button at the left bottom corner of the video box…
You will appear in the list of video images (tagged with your name). You may have to allow Adobe Connect to acces your camera. Right-click on your image and choose “Settings…” from the menu…
The system asks you to confirm that access…
Your actual video image should now appear.
Finally, in order to better control your audio intervention, unlock the hands-free speech at the bottom left corner of Adobe Connect.
Remember: you will have to hold this button to speak…
Have fun!