Dept of Computer Science
Centre Universitaire d'Informatique (CUI)
Université de Genève
@techreport { VG:MPV1999, author = { Wolfgang M{\"u}ller and Zoran Pe\u{c}enovi\'{c} and Arjen P. de Vries and David McG. Squire and Henning M{\"u}ller and Thierry Pun }, title = { {MRML}: Towards an extensible standard for multimedia querying and benchmarking (Draft Proposal) }, institution = { Computer Vision Group, Computing Centre, University of Geneva }, year = { 1999 }, number = { 99.04 }, address = { rue G\'en\'eral Dufour, 24, CH-1211 Gen\`eve, Switzerland }, month = { October }, url = { }, url1 = { }, vgclass = { report }, vgproject = { viper }, }