Unsupervised Event Discrimination Based on Nonlinear Temporal Modellingof Activity

Bibtex entry :

@inproceedings { VG:PAAVBED01,
    author = { Eric Bruno and Nicolas Mo{\"e}nne-Loccoz and St{\'e}phane Marchand-Maillet },
    title = { Unsupervised Event Discrimination Based on Nonlinear Temporal Modellingof Activity },
    booktitle = { Pattern Analysis and Application {(PAA)}, special issue on VideoBased Event Detection, to appear },
    year = { 2001 },
    owner = { steph },
    timestamp = { 2008.05.04 },
    vgclass = { refpap },
    vgproject = { viper },

Keywords: machine learning, information geometry, data mining, Big Data, affective information retrieval (recherche d'information), information visualisation, content-based image and video retrieval (CBIR, CBR, CBVR, CBMR, CBMIR), information mining, classification, multimedia and multimodal information management, semantic web, knowledge base (RDF, OWL, XML, metadata, auto-annotation, description), multimodal information fusion